Kingdom Destiny School of Ministry
Advanced Class
Course Outline and Description
The Master Plan of Evangelism ABS 120 – This course will introduce a pattern set by Jesus and His disciples. Students will be able to understand how our course of action fits into God’s overall plan for the Great Commission.
Homiletics ABS 130 - This course teaches how to study and learn the skills necessary for effective preaching. The class outlines qualifications of the preacher, the preacher's call, the necessity for preaching, the sermon and its structure, types of sermons, preparation for sermons, and delivery of the sermon.
The Oneness of GOD ABS 200 – In this course, we will study the Biblical truth of Oneness in the GODhead, the deity of JESUS CHRIST, and study the nonblical, man-made nature of the doctrine of the trinity. This course lists Christian Monotheism, the Nature of God, the Names and Titles of God, JESUS is God, The Son of God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Old Testament and New Testament explanations of Oneness, Oneness believers in church history, and trinitarianism definition and historical development.
Born of Water ABS 210– This course will serve as a life-changing compilation of Biblical truth on the vitality of water baptism in JESUS’ Name. In this course, you will be able to prove water baptism from Genesis 1:1, identify and explain Old Testament types and examples of water baptism, prove that water baptism in JESUS’ Name is necessary for salvation and explain the Biblical truth of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost reference in Matthew 28:19.